"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us." by Marianne Williamson
Ever worked with a horse or horses for therapy?
We at Horse Sense for Life are very aware how people can be blocked it contacting us to even approach the subject of starting a therapeutic programme. This can be for many reasons from fear of what might flag up or what we might be shown, or fear of the floodgates might open and we might be in a worse place than we are right now.
All these thoughts are perfectly normal and can be a resistance to change and a limiting for us to get to the other side of the symptom which we might find hard and difficult to navigate on our own. Conventionally therapy in the UK is a hidden and not often talked about intervention and loaded with all sorts of superstitions and stories. Some of course are true and some are not as in anything in life we have our opinions and judgements. Its also been a route where people have been offered a pharmaceutical route of anti depression or sleeping tablets etc, which in reality is a sticky plaster approach and can lead to more symptoms and not less as people have reported with high chances of dependancy over longer period of time as opposed to less. Many clients we have witnessed have had far more un welcomed symptoms and then originally they sought help for.
Engaging with Horse Sense for Life so working with HORSES in a field with professionals is a simple and clear path to discovering what has you in the enquiry of any condition thats might be limiting your happiness and joy in life.
Broken relationships with significant others or difficult work relationships leads often to other areas of communication breakdown. What we see with working with HORSES is that the solution appears by keeping the dialogue on the external so it's less intrusive and often clients report it was easy and the changes and discoveries are long lasting and embodied. Bottom line however we look at this therapy and learning they are both key to our work and to become aware and then learn to find solutions for the issues is therapeutic. HORSES in nature guide you to a more balanced and flow life state and things can be managed more effectively and a mind set shift occurs in all areas of life.
Leaving you with a new perspective and a clearer sense of self and often clients report of a weight lifted feeling and it wasn’t anything like as challenging as what they thought it would be like.
---- for life ----
is a coaching and therapy organisation that has helped 1000’s of people who have been looking for a safe alternative way to find solutions for business problems and therapy solutions for individuals and groups.
This unique model of working outside in nature with horses increases people's confidence and awareness. Allows you to create and explore life and work goals when we have clarity in our life the universe seems to align itself and help us reach those goals or visions. Something very simple and often child like about building representations in a field with horses which conveys a message to our unconscious and then we get into the feeling the expression of what we are looking to build or create in a raw data way. When we write goals or visions down its powerful and when we act it out in a field and feel for it we tap into a different part of the brain that connects with our desires and propels it forwards. Thats where our horses when free and in herds are very intuitive and can support our learnings to embody the creative thoughts and feelings. I have been a witness and been a client that has seen this at play. Peace and calmness of mind occurs after we have this experience and we can allow our lives to flourish and transform with ease that the magic..
- Increased confidence
- Increased awareness
- Self Reflection
- Life and Work Goals
- Calmness and peace of mind
Why Horses?
Horses are very powerful and magical animals, they have a deep spiritual connection and can be a way to really connect with who we really are as people in the moment. Connecting with our true and sometimes hidden real feelings is a powerful way to transform them and horses can mirror those feelings for us. Then as the horses reflect for example move direction or connect or disconnect with us we become aware at some level and there is a possibility for change. Often when are truly calm, they are calmed, and of course if we are anxious, they become anxious. Awareness is the first step to change an aspect of ourselves and horses are unique in offering this to us.
The bond between horses and humans is over centuries old and is well documented. They have an ability to pick up a human heart over 4 miles away so they say...
Beauty and simplicity combined in one why not have a horse as your therapist ?
Equine Assisted Growth And Learning Model Video
What they Say
Get in Touch
“There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.” ― Winston S. Churchill
Here’s your chance… come, commune with our horses, you won’t leave the same and that’s a guarantee.
There are so many benefits of equine therapy… mainly the fact that it is experienced and solution-based, fun programmes included so it is done with relative ease, it is fast, on the spot, and very reliable.
We have a couple of programmes we offer to interested participants; be you an individual, a young person, a complete family, we have something planned for you.