Why Horses?
The experience is memorable and is kept alive with lasting impact.
They are highly instinctive and intuitive for survival. They pierce our ‘armour’ and surface our true selves!
Like humans, horses are social animals, with defined roles within their herds. They have distinct personalities, attitudes and moods, and they like to have fun; so we find that horses provide vast opportunities for metaphorical learning.
Horses are non-judgmental
Horses are non-judgemental and listen without interruption or offering advice, leaving clients feeling unconditionally accepted. Earning the respect and cooperation of a horse can dramatically increase a client's sense of personal power and confidence.
Horses are prey animals and are therefore in a constant state of awareness for any sign of danger. They are highly sensitive and intuitive, and this hypersensitivity makes them excellent mirrors to humans' deep emotions - emotions that may be unknown to the client or that they are unable to express for themselves. Horses are sensitive to non-verbal communication and respond accordingly to our emotional states, enabling growth and development.

Horses are prey animals
Horses are prey animals and are therefore in a constant state of awareness for any sign of danger. They are highly sensitive and intuitive, and this hypersensitivity makes them excellent mirrors to humans' deep emotions - emotions that may be unknown to the client or that they are unable to express for themselves. Horses are sensitive to non-verbal communication and respond accordingly to our emotional states, this enables growth and development.
Mirror for our unconscious block, emotions and behaviours
Horses provide the perfect mirror for our deep and sometimes unconscious blocks, emotions and behaviours. They are great teachers in the here and now.
The horses offer a fun way to interact and try out new behaviours in the experience to see how they react. There is no right or wrong answer.

Horses are natural teachers
Horses are natural teachers. They provide a safe context to work directly on the nervous system and instinctive brain areas that compare with no other intervention. Working with horses under skilled facilitators thus bypasses all pre-frontal cortex, or frontal lobe processes. These include: conscious personality, executive function, judgement, decision making and planning processes that are prized as the main content in most other approaches.
Horses facilitate a solution based environment
Our work is solution based and we believe the person has the answers within: they just need to be given the space and opportunity to explore them.
The experiential nature of the work means the learning results in full embodiment shifts in your being. The learning can be taken back into everyday life situations.
The experience is memorable and is kept alive with lasting impact.